Find out about the different types of pensions. Contact us for details, we offer a no fee service to help advise and guide you on pensions
Occupational pensions are organised by employers to provide pensions to one or more employees on retirement. What are the rules about occupational pension schemes? Contact us for details
There are rules that apply to personal pensions. Information on personal pensions for self-employed people or employed people who do not have an occupational pension. Contact us for details
Personal Retirement Savings Accounts
A Personal Retirement Savings Account (PRSA) is long-term personal retirement account designed to enable you to save for retirement in a flexible manner. Find out more about the rules governing PRSAs. Contact us for details
You can get income tax relief on your pension contributions. You can also get tax relief on a lump sum pension payment when you retire. Contact us for details
A comprehensive explanation of how pensions are taxed in Ireland. Contact us for details
Making a complaint about your pension
The Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman has the power to investigate and determine complaints concerning disputes of fact, law and errors in relation to occupational and other pension schemes. Contact us for details
The Pensions Authority (formerly known as the Pensions Board) is the regulatory body for Occupational Pension Schemes and Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs). Contact us for details
How pensions are assessed during a separation, divorce and dissolution
When you end a relationship by judicial separation, divorce or dissolution, the court can decide to share your pension with your former partner and (or) any dependent children. This is called a pension adjustment order. Contact us for details