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Protect What’s Most Important To You
We Ensure Best Insurance & Mortgage Services For Our Clients
We have partnered up with Ireland’s leading
Life Insurance providers & Mortgage lenders

We Ensure Best Insurance Services

Covermore will guide you through the mortgage process to help you get the mortgage you need for the property you want. Our experts will be on hand to make sure the process is as simplified and manageable as possible.

Life Insurance
Protect your family by providing financial security in the event of your passing. A life insurance policy provides peace of mind that your family will be financially secure in the event that you are not around to provide for them.

Mortage Insurance
Covermore will endeavour to provide you with the most cost effective mortgage protection policy for your needs. All mortgages require mortgage protection insurance but we ensure you get the best value for money.

Your biggest asset is your ability to earn an income. Your income pays for everything else. Provide peace of mind by insuring up to 75% of your income / wages with an income / wage protection policy.

Provide for your retirement by setting up a pension plan. We provide best advice on pensions which are tailored for your needs and circumstances. Pensions are a tax efficient way of providing for retirement.

Covermore provides insurance cover for all sectors of business. Contact us today to see if we can offer you a more competitive quote for your business needs.
Why Choose Us
How Covermore Works

Covermore Financial has access to a wide variety of mortgage lenders / insurer’s products. We compare various product offerings and advise on best service provider, best product from the most suitable provider at the most competitive price. We compare the market for you based on your needs and goals for you and your family.

Expert Advice
Covermore Financial has over 100 years of combined experience and training in the mortgage & insurance industry. With our team of brokers and experts we use this experience and training to ensure you get the best service and experience for your needs.

Covermore Financials paramount duty is to our clients. We endeavour to build customer loyalty and long-term relationships. We take time getting to know and understand the needs of our clients to ensure the best possible client experience.

Peace of Mind
In the event of a claim and or general queries Covermore Financial will guide clients through the insurance claims process and effectively manages the claim on our client’s behalf.

Covermore Financial takes away the burden and stress of searching the market for what you need in your circumstances. We know the industry and how it works; we simplify and streamline the process for you. We guide you through the process of deciding on what is best for you and your family.

Covermore Financial is regulated by Central Bank of Ireland so you are protected at all times.